Top 100 Instagram Sorted by Engagement Rate

Top Instagram Updated 2025-02-11
Sorted by Followers Sorted by NoxScore Sorted by Posts Sorted by Engagement Rate
Influencer Ranking
  Channel InfoPostsEngagement RateFollowersNoxScore
3 92 spontane moda spontane moda66799.12%11.07K -
5 45 ❤️tare_ Fouji⚔️ ❤️tare_ Fouji⚔️96239.51%22.43K 0.4%
6 - 𝓰𝔀𝓪𝓭 𝓰𝔀𝓪𝓭1945792.43%10.27K -
9 81 alek1337 alek133734526.76%14.88K -
10 2 Artist Ashmita Sarkar 🎨🖌️ Artist Ashmita Sarkar 🎨🖌️7064244.6%19.51K -
13 9 Tushar Ghongade Tushar Ghongade33867.67%16.37K -
14 17 Joshua Wood Joshua Wood273743.35%16.78K -
15 45 Owen rife Owen rife63737.29%22.9K -
16 49 DANIEL SANTOS 🇧🇷 DANIEL SANTOS 🇧🇷2463723.02%18.41K -
17 6 Aniket kadam Aniket kadam113630.31%10.23K -
20 32 yourlyricssoul backup yourlyricssoul backup1693502.96%10.47K -
21 11 esteban esteban33424.74%10.86K -
22 50 Vivek Sajeev Vivek Sajeev4443410.15%10.48K -
25 12 𝖋𝖆𝖇𝖗𝖎𝖎 𝖋𝖆𝖇𝖗𝖎𝖎33169.47%24.71K -
26 16 Юрий Чилигин Юрий Чилигин663095.03%24.93K -
27 49 Simba Simba63053.07%21.63K -
28 27 Michael Sotoadeh Michael Sotoadeh9523004.31%21.21K -
30 59 Tejas Shirke  Tejas Shirke 222974.67%13.49K -
31 40 38881946952 38881946952732941.54%379.47K -
32 31 Rahman Rahman42869.02%11.76K -
33 6 Vince Ghost Vince Ghost772858.45%12.63K -
34 59 The Car Ethusiast The Car Ethusiast62807.8%11.84K -
35 22 Sneha Keshari Sneha Keshari632805.43%10.52K -
36 12 Husky小隊 Husky小隊522755.88%20.57K -
38 26 Abination_creation07 Abination_creation07662652.65%14.79K -
39 20 Baby Rep 👶 Baby Rep 👶2072626.95%13.91K -
40 35 Satire Sphere Satire Sphere122618.98%10.34K -
41 23 Twinnkyfun Twinnkyfun292593.26%11.56K -
42 41 Bhupender Kumar Bhupender Kumar222585.31%21.68K -
44 34 A._.edits A._.edits122555.3%24.24K -
45 16 Owen Bloor Owen Bloor1072521.36%13.05K -
46 33 Nitin Nitin292515.91%19.95K -
48 27 Edvandro Machado Edvandro Machado502469.83%24.88K -
49 24 Aɴᴀᴊ||🇮🇳 Aɴᴀᴊ||🇮🇳1762434.71%12.36K -
50 18 ♡︎ ♡︎232427.12%18.2K 8.8%
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