Top 100 Mexico TikTok Users Sorted by Followers

Top TikTok Updated 2025-02-12
Sorted by Followers Sorted by NoxScore Sorted by Engagement Rate
Influencer Ranking
  Channel InfoFollowersEngagement RateAvg.Views NoxScore
1 7 Kimberly Loaiza Kimberly Loaiza83.2M - 11.44% 13.4M
2 71 domelipa domelipa77M - 14.77% 4.86M
3 61 Pongámoslo a Prueba Pongámoslo a Prueba45.8M - 7.64% 6.5M
4 15 Montpantoja Montpantoja39.5M - 13.17% 2.45M
5 71 Ruben Tuesta Ruben Tuesta39M 0.3% 8.61% 7.83M
6 3 Its.michhh🐈‍⬛ Its.michhh🐈‍⬛37.7M - 13.34% 1.86M
7 25 BRIANDA 💖 BRIANDA 💖36.6M - 13.75% 1.01M
8 27 HotSpanish HotSpanish36M 0.3% 8.19% 6.86M
9 36 Netflix Latinoamérica Netflix Latinoamérica33.4M 0.6% 9.81% 4.15M
10 6 Kunno Kunno32.7M - 17.48% 212.9K
11 42 Karla Bustillos ❤️ Karla Bustillos ❤️31M 0.3% 10.2% 904.2K
12 43 Lossiblings🍭 Lossiblings🍭30.9M - 9.52% 1.94M
13 41 DorisJocelyn🦩 DorisJocelyn🦩30.9M - 10.27% 10.95M
14 36 OMAHI OMAHI30.6M - 6.2% 3.83M
15 41 Briggi Bozzo Briggi Bozzo29.9M - 10.02% 671.66K
16 59 Jash Jash28.8M - 19.71% 729.72K
17 11 Chingu Amiga Chingu Amiga28.2M - 7.48% 4.4M
18 25 karolsevillaofc karolsevillaofc28.1M 0.4% 10.77% 1.54M
19 5 Fede Vigevani Fede Vigevani27.2M 0.4% 14.22% 8.07M
20 15 Caín Guzmán Caín Guzmán27.2M - 6.32% 1.29M
21 26 Yeri MUA Yeri MUA26.4M 0.4% 12.91% 2.72M
22 59 ARI 🍓 ARI 🍓25.4M 0.4% 9.56% 1.06M
23 10 Ara y Fer Ara y Fer25.4M 0.4% 12.71% 2.6M
24 11 Lily Garcia Lily Garcia24.3M 0.4% 15.79% 3.28M
25 11 KeniaOs KeniaOs24M - 16.25% 4.13M
26 43 •Sofi_Mata• •Sofi_Mata•23.2M - 10.32% 679K
27 24 Alexis Omman Alexis Omman23.2M 0.4% 13.63% 16.21M
28 35 Hermanas JM Hermanas JM22.7M 0.4% 11.47% 2.69M
29 12 Farid Dieck Farid Dieck22.6M 1.4% 12.42% 5.25M
30 11 Franco Escamilla Franco Escamilla22.5M - 15.01% 1.7M
31 30 Ricky Limon Ricky Limon22M - 13.05% 1.95M
32 31 eugenioderbezoficial eugenioderbezoficial21.7M - 8.76% 798.17K
33 61 NICOLE AMADO NICOLE AMADO21.6M - 13.32% 1.35M
34 54 Alí Izquierdo Alí Izquierdo21.1M - 1.84% 1.99M
35 37 Mario Aguilar Mario Aguilar20.8M - 13.78% 2.03M
36 56 Libardo Isaza Libardo Isaza20.7M - 13.82% 1.98M
37 42 Pakoyaso Pakoyaso20.1M - 7.94% 3.02M
38 31 Carol Castro Carol Castro20.1M - 13.87% 1.82M
39 27 Bella dueñas Bella dueñas19.3M - 9.22% 2.02M
40 17 KevleX 🦁 KevleX 🦁19M 0.5% 4.8% 329.68K
41 18 Badabun Badabun18.7M 1.1% 2.42% 42.9K
42 17 MARIANA MARIANA18.7M 3.9% 12.4% 341.44K
43 19 Aaron Mercury Aaron Mercury18.4M 1.7% 12.35% 2.54M
44 38 Mariana Mariana18.4M 0.5% 9.35% 1.04M
45 51 orsonpadilla orsonpadilla18.1M - 18.92% 1.3M
46 19 Erika Buenfil Erika Buenfil18M - 9.24% 128.55K
47 37 Cesar Pantoja Cesar Pantoja18M - 11.26% 659.57K
48 45 lesliemckenzzie lesliemckenzzie18M - 14.9% 146.32K
49 13 N E N A 🍓 N E N A 🍓17.7M - 10.51% 194.87K
50 6 Legna Hernández Legna Hernández17.1M - 11.18% 84.44K
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