Top 100 Sweden TikTok Users Sorted by Followers

Top TikTok Updated 2025-02-12
Sorted by Followers Sorted by NoxScore Sorted by Engagement Rate
Influencer Ranking
  Channel InfoFollowersEngagement RateAvg.Views NoxScore
1 93 Карина Карина21.7M - 11.43% 1.02M
2 11 Zlatan Ibrahimović Zlatan Ibrahimović10.9M - 8.81% 3.66M
3 54 Elvir Aljicevic Elvir Aljicevic9.9M - 8.12% 141.76K
4 95 yano4kaa yano4kaa7.7M - 13.74% 1.78M
5 35 rashikhairwar rashikhairwar7.6M - 12.96% 7.66K
6 21 ADUSHKINA ADUSHKINA7.4M - 6.21% 338.97K
7 45 Izaandelle Izaandelle6.8M - 12.32% 285.05K
8 85 Toca Boca Toca Boca6.2M 1.6% 10.23% 446.25K
9 25 VAVAN VAVAN5.5M - 6.11% 201.39K
10 19 ✨⭐️✰ FLAFFYX✰ ⭐️✨ ✨⭐️✰ FLAFFYX✰ ⭐️✨5M - 4.25% 93.97K
12 18 di_parkerr_ di_parkerr_4.6M - 7.32% 60.7K
13 10 Bryanboy Bryanboy4.2M 2.3% 7.58% 808.47K
14 78 🐼 🐼3.9M - 2.27% 674.62K
15 27 Dress To Impress Dress To Impress3.6M 2.9% 19.71% 7.05M
16 6 hissy🇸🇪 hissy🇸🇪3.6M - 2.83% 941.98K
17 48 ABBA ABBA3.5M - 6.79% 1.07M
18 79 idontfirst idontfirst3.4M - 5.69% 2.08M
19 13 Score 90 Score 903.2M 3.2% 7.23% 2.51M
20 26 <3 <33.1M - 28.72% 160.9K
22 33 LICARBX LICARBX2.7M - 8.49% 764.03K
23 12 Justin Baldoni Justin Baldoni2.7M - 12.81% 2.58M
24 17 simplefood4you simplefood4you2.6M - 3.69% 300.21K
25 19 Cole Anderson James Cole Anderson James2.6M - 13.24% 1.1M
26 6 U. U.2.6M - 10.16% 174.48K
27 8 Olle Nilsson Olle Nilsson2.5M - 8.91% 189.51K
29 39 David JP Phillips David JP Phillips2.4M - 9.33% 34.89K
30 33 Koenigsegg Koenigsegg2.4M - 16.86% 1.69M
31 14 Dad Harmony Dad Harmony2.4M - 9.55% 480.51K
32 12 Nattid® Nattid®2.3M - 6.91% 110.36K
33 25 ﮼آلفــخم ﮼ ✪919 ✪ ﮼آلفــخم ﮼ ✪919 ✪2.3M - 23.81% 1.89K
34 19 rev rev2.2M - 11.76% 3.02M
35 31 🔥SKORYYBALL🔥 🔥SKORYYBALL🔥2.2M - 5.69% 497.1K
36 41 Саид Диас 🌍👋😃 Саид Диас 🌍👋😃2.2M - 1.95% 194.25K
37 46 Linn Nandar Lwin 🦄 Linn Nandar Lwin 🦄2.2M - 16.31% 52.42K
38 21 Malmöflickorna Malmöflickorna2.2M - 7.35% 186.27K
40 29 Sargon🛫🤍🇮🇶 Sargon🛫🤍🇮🇶2.1M 5% 1.94% 155.98K
41 23 Valizhanova08 Valizhanova082.1M - 8.96% 57.76K
42 37 ANYA OCEAN ANYA OCEAN2M - 7.53% 28.22K
43 53 𝖓𝖎𝖈𝖐 𝖓𝖎𝖈𝖐2M - 12.91% 265K
44 6 Theo Haraldsson Theo Haraldsson2M - 6.48% 185.05K
46 25 Kerim.47 Kerim.472M - 1.33% 382.43K
47 48 Manav Manglani Manav Manglani1.9M - 2.16% 358
48 38 Ice Queen Ice Queen1.9M - 2.51% 1.72M
49 15 Самыйрыбный Самыйрыбный1.9M - 3.56% 1.09K
50 37 GoatSimulator GoatSimulator1.9M 5.6% 26.16% 960.23K
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